
Friday, November 20, 2015

Growing old

Growing old(er) is an inevedible fact that me must, if not fully accept, tolerate on some level. On a measurable scale, aging can be attributed to the body's ability or inability to preserve, mend or renew damaged cells throughout the process. Recently clinical researchers have established the chronological ages that various parts of the body begin to go on the decline.

In an article that ran in the Daily Mail, leading research clinicial, Angela Epstein revealed the ages when specific parts of the body begin their downward progression. Gulp... In order to avoid an information overload of sorts, I'd like to share only a few today.

BRAIN - Starts to decline at age 20 Get this. We start with around 100 billion neurons or nerve cells. In our 20s the number starts to decline. By age 40 a person could be losing up to 10,000 per day. Such cellular losses have a significant on impact on memory, co-ordination and overall brain function.

EYES - Starts to decline at age 40 If you're not wearing glasses by now, its a fine time you get some. OK, lol. Long-sightedness, which affects the ability to see objects up close is the typical complaint.

HAIR - Start to decline at age 40 Hair is composes of tiny pouch like follicles. Typically hair grows from each follicle for about three years, then it sheds and a new strand grows in. In males, hair loss begins at about age 30. In terms of hair color, most have at least some grey by age 35, due to decline in melanocytes (color device). But even I can't name a soul who made it that long with 100% of their original hair color.

BONES - Start to decline at age 35 Throughout the life long aging process bone material is broken down by cells called osteoclasts and replaced by bone building cells called osteoblasts ( Note, clasts vs. blasts) a process called 'bone turnover', explains Robert Moots, Professor of Rheumatology at Aintree University Hospital in Liverpool, England . In Children bone growth is rapid. The skeleton itself takes just two years to renew itself completely. In adults this same process can take up to ten years. Until a person reaches their mid 20s their bone density is still increasing. But at 35 bone loss sets in as part of the natural ageing process.

If anyone has any concern as to whether they are experiencing any of the above bodily 'occurances', it may be a good idea to absorb and aspire to understand them in order to control and slow down the aging process on an individual level. This can be done and no point is too late as long as its not... 'too late'.