
Thursday, July 25, 2013


Not only he was shocked but I was shocked but am not surprised because stories like this normally happen when you rush into relationships.

My facebook friend Rowdy was discussing on his facebook ball that he met a guy and the guy begged for him to move, so Rowdy sold or trashed or given away everything that he owned, even his kittens and moved up to be with the guy.

In this situation, it is typical for when you meet someone that one way or another one of you are going to end up moving in with the other and its normally the one who is not going to move at all no matter what and tries to persuade the other one to move up to the other.

Apparently they were in therapy and the guy just decided to say it, something that Rowdy didn't expect.  So since the guy blurred out what he needed to say and brings not only sadness but confusion as well I'm sure.  It actually turns out that the guy was still married to his ex lover and Rowdy was just being used as an unpaid Butler or housekeeper and extended stay boots call.  Of course, Rowdy needed to speak up and said something in terms like he has discarded him like a used Keenex.

So it just might be that he has to start all over again with nothing with him.  I am sure that he had done this before too because it is usual that things like this happen and leaving the person in the gutter.

This is wrong for someone to be fucking up with someone else's life like that.  It shows "LOW CLASS".  It just shows you who you know and who you don't.  But the fact is that you have true friends that you could rely on with support.  Always know that everything will be okay.

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